Color Palette

Over the years I have painted the interior of my home several times to keep things fresh. I tried to keep up with a list of paint colors and what room had what color but, as the colors changed I found myself lost in color. 

As the painting continued, my goal was to narrow down my interior color palette to a handful of colors but, over time the paint cans started to pile up and before I knew it my storage cabinet was overflowing with leftover paint, some usable some not.
That lead me to create a color palette of my home as a quick visual reference; so much for a handful of colors.:) You would think as a designer I would have all my paint samples organized, but I don't, it's been in the back of my mind but it wasn't high on the priority list. This week I finally had a little free time to put it all together. Check that off the list.

Here it is!